
Image Coming Soon
Jan 16, 2023 • Podcast

Why is a full pipeline so important?

Paul spells out the importance of a full pipeline to your confidence and success in the new year. Show Notes You want more confidence when you’re selling? Get out there, get to work and increase your activity level until that pipeline is bursting. A full pipeline will help you manage the valleys of tough times. …


Image Coming Soon
Jan 9, 2023 • Podcast

How do I stop discounting and sell value?

Paul lays it on the line—it’s not all about price! Paul shares three ideas to get you past discounting and on to value. Show Notes Did you make some resolutions for 2023? Maybe you should go on a “discounting diet” this month. Think about how much harder you would sell value if discounting was not …


Image Coming Soon
Jan 2, 2023 • Podcast

Why should I love a new year?

Paul challenges you to embrace the hope and excitement of a new year, new opportunities, and a new start. Show Notes Start that new race. The slate is wiped clean. Every new year brings an opportunity to grow. Everything you achieve this year is a dividend on the investment that you’ve been making throughout your …


Image Coming Soon
Dec 26, 2022 • Podcast

What’s the first thing I should do next year?

Paul helps you plan just how to kick off 2023 without feeling overwhelmed. Show Notes Planning is the key to starting the new year right. Be intentional. Pick three high-value targets (your dream customers) and build an account plan for each.* What small wins will lead to your success? If you want to be a …


Image Coming Soon
Dec 19, 2022 • Podcast

How do I conduct a year-end customer review?

Paul provides a three-step process to conduct a thorough year-end review with your best customers. Show Notes Get your year-end review scheduled, not to sell something, but to make sure your customer is capturing all the value that you promised. Prepare for the meeting by gathering concrete examples of how your solution has positively impacted …


Image Coming Soon
Dec 12, 2022 • Podcast

How do I manage the pressure of a new year?

Paul shares ideas on managing the balance of sales: the grind and the beauty of this challenging profession. Show Notes Do you have a systemized process to prospect? This is critical! Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Keep challenging yourself. Celebrate your successes, then get back to work! Invest in yourself. You have to be a student …


Image Coming Soon
Dec 5, 2022 • Podcast

What if my customer flexes their negotiating muscles?

Paul provides the necessary strategies to succeed when your customers try to “Walmart” you. Show Notes Never let any single customer become more than 20% of your business. That puts you in a terrible negotiating position. Shift the conversation from “price” to “money.” Listen to find out more! Create an army of internal champions. Internal …


Image Coming Soon
Nov 28, 2022 • Podcast

How Do I Finish the Year Strong and Stay Motivated? (Rebroadcast)

Next year starts today. It’s time to revisit your end-of-year strategy. Whether you’re the team leader or a salesperson, Paul has tips on how to stay motivated and finish this year strong. SHOW NOTES Take an open, honest look at your pipeline of opportunity, especially during times of peak performance. “Your pipeline is more likely …


Image Coming Soon
Nov 21, 2022 • Podcast

How do I recruit top sales talent?

Paul shares powerful tips and ideas to help you put together your sales dream team. Show Notes Create a profile. You must know what you’re looking for. The worst time to look for a salesperson is when you have a position to fill. Even if you are completely staffed, you need to maintain a steady …


Image Coming Soon
Nov 14, 2022 • Podcast

How should I handle unethical competitors?

Paul addresses the critical factors of doing business ethically and with integrity. Show Notes Use your high ethical standards as a differentiator between you and your competitors. Don’t stoop to your competitors’ benchmark of ethics. If you lose business to an unethical competitor, still be gracious in defeat. Earn “safety net” status. Through your frustration, …


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